How To Choose A Rosary: 5 Things To Consider

Dear brothers and sisters, friends and all, I assume that you are choosing a rosary for the first time because you have decided to introduce a little praying time in your life.

And that you have heard praying the rosary is a compelling way of starting your spiritual journey. Well, if this is so, excellent!

Praying the rosary can take you on a fascinating spiritual journey. With that said, here are my recommendations for choosing your first one.

Accept That Praying The Rosary Is A Lifestyle

Consider your lifestyle. A rosary is not something that you buy not to use. It has to become part of your daily lifestyle. It should remain as close to you as possible.

Find a home for it attached to your body or to something you are so close to that it will be almost impossible to forget the rosary is within reach. This way, you can start grabbing it and using it to pray at any time.

Choose The Features That Are Best For You


There is a vast selection of materials, colors, and sizes. I suggest round wood beads, six to ten millimeters in diameter. Pair the beads with a cord string. The cord string is very resistant, and it does not break easily.

Remember that larger beads are better for larger hands while smaller beads are great for smaller hands.


Choose a color of your preference. Usually, a male prefers darker colors and a female lighter colors, but it does not have to be this way.

Generally, simple earth tones are more masculine, while elegant rosaries with an ornate crucifix, centerpiece, and elaborate beads are more feminine.


How much to pay for a rosary will depend on your personal preference, affordability, and quality.

If you’re debating whether to buy an expensive crystal rosary versus a less expensive one, ask yourself, “Is my faith/prayer life worth that much money?” Make your purchase decision based on your answer to this question.

Rosaries can range from free to paying thousands of dollars for one.

Try Different Rosaries To Find The Right One For You

After you have gone through the previous steps, touch the rosary, bring it close to your heart, press it against your chest, close your eyes and start moving your fingers through the transitions of the beads.

I call this exercise your spiritual encounter between you and your rosary, and between you, your rosary, and God.

The transitioning from bead to bead as you move your fingers through it is like Mother Mary accompanying you, taking your hand and walking next to Jesus, listening as you pray, telling him about your worries, needs, and despairs.

This exercise is the moment where you decide if the spacing between the rosary beads fits the size of your fingers and that that is the one made precisely for you.

Sometimes you have to do this exercise with more than one rosary until you feel that spiritual, spiritual moment.

Find A Trusted Place To Purchase

Once you’ve chosen a style and tested many rosaries,  it is time to find a place to purchase it. My best recommendation is to go to your trusted Catholic Gift Shop. For example, our store in Fullerton, Ca, has been in business for over 60 years. 

If you visit the store, we can help you find the right one for you by making sure that the rosary you are buying is constructed appropriately, (cross, creed, Lord’s prayer, hail marys, etc.).

We suggest you purchase a guide on how to pray the rosary which contains all the rosary parts and how to pray it.

Store Your Rosary In A Safe Place When You’re Not Using It

Last, choose a Rosary pouch to house your Rosary there - they also come in different sizes, colors, and shapes.


Enjoy your praying and spiritual journey. The Lord listens and answers our prayers. Catholic Gift Shop in Fullerton is there to help you, guide you, and pray with you. Come and visit us.


Why Do We Pray The Rosary


Living the Canaanite woman faith